details: '[wcr02092012]KUKOMONGA_(H)_LhT_sNaKe_(N)_VlCE_(O)_k1nd0fgettingby_(N)_sc2no_wc4yes_(N)_lo_lO_(U)_00'

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General information

Mini Map


team 1
HumanKUKOMONGA (red | 43 APM | 2283 actions | 52:59)
Hero icon 5 Mountain King
Ability icon 3 Storm Bolt
Ability icon 2 Bash
Hero icon 5 Paladin
Ability icon 3 Holy Light
Ability icon 2 Devotion Aura
Hero icon 2 Demon Hunter
Ability icon 1 Metamorphosis
Ability icon 1 Evasion

» actions
Basic commands206
Build / train82
Enter build submenu28
Enter hero's abilities submenu12
Give item / drop item2
Right click1322
Select / deselect495
Use ability136
2283 total
» units
Mortar Team3
43 total
» upgrades
Magic Sentry1
Fragmentation Shards1
Sorceress Training1
6 total
» buildings
Altar of Kings1
Arcane Vault1
Scout Tower6
Arcane Tower3
Lumber Mill1
Guard Tower4
Arcane Sanctum1
31 total
» build order
00:09 Altar of Kings
00:13 Farm
00:37 Barracks
01:01 Farm
01:44 Farm
02:08 Arcane Vault
02:17 Scout Tower
02:29 Farm
03:09 Arcane Tower
03:09 Arcane Tower
03:16 Scout Tower
03:23 Farm
04:21 Arcane Tower
04:24 Scout Tower
04:31 Scout Tower
05:04 Lumber Mill
05:24 Farm
06:26 Guard Tower
06:28 Scout Tower
06:36 Keep
06:37 Keep
06:43 Farm
06:46 Guard Tower
07:19 Guard Tower
10:18 Blacksmith
10:38 Scout Tower
10:43 Arcane Sanctum
11:34 Workshop
11:56 Castle
11:57 Castle
» items
Lesser Clarity Potion4
4 total
NightElfLhT)sNaKe (purple | 101 APM | 4606 actions | 45:25)
Hero icon 5 Demon Hunter
Ability icon 3 Mana Burn
Ability icon 2 Evasion
Hero icon 4 Pandaren Brewmaster
Ability icon 2 Breath of Fire
Ability icon 2 Drunken Haze

» actions
Assign group hotkey42
Basic commands532
Build / train68
ESC pressed1
Enter build submenu19
Enter hero's abilities submenu10
Give item / drop item3
Right click1409
Select / deselect604
Select group hotkey1801
Use ability115
4606 total
» units
Druid of the Claw7
41 total
» upgrades
Druid of the Claw Training2
Mark of the Claw1
Abolish Magic1
Reinforced Hides1
5 total
» buildings
Altar of Elders1
Moon Well6
Hunter's Hall1
Ancient of War2
Tree of Ages1
Ancient of Wonders1
Ancient of Lore2
Tree of Eternity2
Tree of Life5
21 total
» build order
00:02 Altar of Elders
00:18 Moon Well
01:27 Hunter's Hall
01:54 Ancient of War
01:59 Ancient of War
02:04 Moon Well
02:17 Moon Well
03:18 Tree of Ages
05:20 Moon Well
05:26 Ancient of Wonders
05:56 Ancient of Lore
05:57 Ancient of Lore
06:00 Tree of Eternity
06:00 Tree of Eternity
06:40 Tree of Life
11:08 Moon Well
14:52 Tree of Life
16:35 Tree of Life
16:44 Moon Well
16:46 Tree of Life
22:32 Tree of Life
» items
Staff of Preservation1
Orb of Lightning1
Potion of Healing2
Scroll of Speed1
5 total
OrcVlCE (yellow | 103 APM | 4628 actions | 45:02)
Hero icon 6 Tauren Chieftain
Ability icon 2 War Stomp
Ability icon 3 Endurance Aura
Ability icon 1 Reincarnation
Hero icon 5 Shadow Hunter
Ability icon 2 Hex
Ability icon 3 Healing Wave

» actions
Assign group hotkey90
Basic commands419
Build / train107
ESC pressed4
Enter build submenu34
Enter hero's abilities submenu11
Give item / drop item4
Right click1192
Select / deselect655
Select group hotkey2002
Use ability110
4628 total
» units
Troll Headhunter/Berserker22
74 total
» upgrades
Ranged Weapons3
Troll Regeneration1
Shaman Training2
Reinforced Defenses1
Berserker Upgrade1
11 total
» buildings
Altar of Storms1
Orc Burrow14
War Mill1
Voodoo Lounge1
Spirit Lodge1
Watch Tower5
Great Hall1
27 total
» build order
00:13 Altar of Storms
00:16 Orc Burrow
01:35 War Mill
01:40 Barracks
02:11 Orc Burrow
02:42 Voodoo Lounge
03:06 Stronghold
05:16 Orc Burrow
06:40 Spirit Lodge
08:49 Fortress
08:52 Orc Burrow
10:16 Orc Burrow
11:06 Watch Tower
11:15 Watch Tower
12:24 Orc Burrow
13:33 Orc Burrow
16:51 Orc Burrow
18:33 Orc Burrow
18:43 Orc Burrow
21:51 Watch Tower
23:50 Great Hall
25:28 Orc Burrow
27:40 Watch Tower
28:39 Watch Tower
30:12 Orc Burrow
30:14 Orc Burrow
34:38 Orc Burrow
» items
Healing Salve1
Scroll of Town Portal3
Orb of Lightning1
Staff of Teleportation1
Boots of Speed1
7 total
Random» NightElfk1nd0fgettingby (teal | 30 APM | 1011 actions | 34:11)
Hero icon 7 Priestess of the Moon
Ability icon 3 Searing Arrows
Ability icon 3 Trueshot Aura
Ability icon 1 Starfall
Hero icon 4 Warden
Ability icon 2 Shadow Strike
Ability icon 2 Fan of Knives

» actions
Basic commands41
Build / train133
Enter build submenu16
Enter hero's abilities submenu11
Remove unit from queue2
Right click365
Select / deselect390
Use ability53
1011 total
» units
Druid of the Talon11
102 total
» upgrades
Improved Bows1
Strength of the Moon2
Strength of the Wild3
Druid of the Talon Training2
Hippogryph Taming1
10 total
» buildings
Altar of Elders1
Moon Well7
Ancient of War1
Tree of Ages1
Hunter's Hall1
Ancient of Lore1
Ancient of Wind1
Tree of Life1
Tree of Eternity1
15 total
» build order
00:03 Altar of Elders
00:19 Moon Well
00:34 Ancient of War
01:26 Moon Well
02:31 Tree of Ages
03:31 Moon Well
04:05 Hunter's Hall
05:04 Moon Well
05:10 Ancient of Lore
06:03 Moon Well
06:10 Ancient of Wind
08:54 Tree of Life
12:46 Tree of Eternity
15:26 Moon Well
15:41 Moon Well
» items
Potion of Healing1
Healing Salve1
Scroll of Town Portal1
3 total
team 2
Random» NightElfsc2no.wc4yes (pink | 68 APM | 3606 actions | 53:00)
Hero icon 7 Goblin Tinker
Ability icon 3 Pocket Factory
Ability icon 3 Engineering Upgrade
Ability icon 1 Robo-Goblin

» actions
Assign group hotkey211
Basic commands43
Build / train183
ESC pressed20
Enter build submenu63
Enter hero's abilities submenu7
Give item / drop item1
Right click1453
Select / deselect522
Select group hotkey779
Use ability324
3606 total
» units
Druid of the Talon4
143 total
» upgrades
Strength of the Wild3
Reinforced Hides3
Corrosive Breath1
8 total
» buildings
Altar of Elders2
Moon Well15
Ancient of War3
Hunter's Hall1
Tree of Life22
Tree of Ages2
Tree of Eternity2
Ancient of Wind4
Chimaera Roost10
61 total
» build order
00:13 Altar of Elders
00:16 Moon Well
00:42 Ancient of War
01:44 Moon Well
02:24 Hunter's Hall
02:50 Ancient of War
03:19 Tree of Life
03:46 Ancient of War
04:15 Tree of Ages
06:38 Tree of Eternity
06:39 Ancient of Wind
06:41 Ancient of Wind
06:58 Moon Well
07:01 Moon Well
09:23 Tree of Life
10:18 Tree of Life
10:28 Chimaera Roost
10:35 Chimaera Roost
10:40 Chimaera Roost
11:12 Tree of Life
11:43 Tree of Life
11:56 Tree of Life
18:03 Moon Well
18:04 Moon Well
18:04 Moon Well
20:17 Tree of Life
20:19 Tree of Life
21:55 Tree of Life
23:27 Tree of Life
24:04 Tree of Life
27:23 Tree of Life
27:45 Tree of Life
28:53 Moon Well
28:57 Moon Well
29:24 Tree of Life
30:20 Moon Well
31:42 Tree of Life
33:51 Tree of Life
35:03 Tree of Life
35:05 Tree of Life
35:17 Tree of Life
36:20 Tree of Life
38:43 Tree of Life
40:18 Tree of Life
40:55 Tree of Ages
43:19 Altar of Elders
43:51 Ancient of Wind
43:53 Ancient of Wind
44:22 Tree of Eternity
45:09 Moon Well
45:10 Moon Well
45:11 Moon Well
45:12 Moon Well
46:45 Chimaera Roost
46:46 Chimaera Roost
46:46 Chimaera Roost
46:47 Chimaera Roost
46:47 Chimaera Roost
46:47 Chimaera Roost
46:48 Chimaera Roost
47:36 Moon Well
» items
Boots of Speed2
Staff of Teleportation1
Potion of Invisibility6
Rod of Necromancy1
Scroll of Town Portal4
Lesser Clarity Potion2
Scroll of Regeneration1
Potion of Healing1
Potion of Mana1
19 total
Undeadlo-lO (green | 27 APM | 1447 actions | 52:59)
Hero icon 4 Death Knight
Ability icon 2 Death Coil
Ability icon 2 Unholy Aura
Hero icon 3 Lich
Ability icon 2 Frost Nova
Ability icon 1 Dark Ritual

» actions
Assign group hotkey19
Basic commands18
Build / train47
Enter build submenu19
Enter hero's abilities submenu7
Right click843
Select / deselect326
Select group hotkey93
Use ability75
1447 total
» units
Crypt Fiend12
Obsidian Statue4
21 total
» upgrades
Creature Attack2
Creature Carapace2
Destroyer Form1
6 total
» buildings
Altar of Darkness1
Tomb of Relics1
Nerubian Tower2
Halls of the Dead1
Black Citadel1
Sacrificial Pit1
Spirit Tower3
21 total
» build order
00:09 Crypt
00:14 Graveyard
00:43 Altar of Darkness
00:59 Ziggurat
01:26 Ziggurat
01:50 Tomb of Relics
02:04 Nerubian Tower
04:20 Ziggurat
05:00 Halls of the Dead
05:29 Nerubian Tower
06:56 Ziggurat
08:05 Slaughterhouse
10:03 Black Citadel
10:41 Sacrificial Pit
12:16 Ziggurat
12:48 Spirit Tower
12:48 Spirit Tower
14:10 Spirit Tower
21:01 Necropolis
23:29 Necropolis
24:40 Necropolis
» items
Rod of Necromancy1
Scroll of Town Portal3
4 total
HumanKODOS_FORSAKEN (blue | 89 APM | 4704 actions | 52:59)
Hero icon 10 Blood Mage
Ability icon 3 Flame Strike
Ability icon 3 Siphon Mana
Ability icon 1 Summon Phoenix
Ability icon 3 Banish
Hero icon 6 Mountain King
Ability icon 3 Storm Bolt
Ability icon 2 Bash
Ability icon 1 Avatar
Hero icon 3 Paladin
Ability icon 1 Holy Light
Ability icon 2 Devotion Aura

» actions
Assign group hotkey314
Basic commands47
Build / train216
Enter build submenu82
Enter hero's abilities submenu19
Give item / drop item2
Right click1741
Select / deselect1008
Select group hotkey915
Use ability360
4704 total
» units
Mortar Team17
Flying Machine12
Gryphon Rider4
79 total
» upgrades
Lumber Harvesting2
Sorceress Training2
Fragmentation Shards1
Flak Cannons1
Magic Sentry1
Storm Hammers1
Animal War Training1
Flying Machine Bombs1
23 total
» buildings
Altar of Kings1
Lumber Mill3
Town Hall4
Scout Tower44
Guard Tower25
Arcane Vault1
Arcane Sanctum1
Cannon Tower2
Gryphon Aviary4
105 total
» build order
00:08 Altar of Kings
00:19 Barracks
00:34 Farm
01:05 Farm
01:41 Farm
02:29 Farm
03:25 Lumber Mill
03:53 Town Hall
04:13 Lumber Mill
04:25 Lumber Mill
05:19 Keep
05:39 Scout Tower
05:42 Scout Tower
05:56 Scout Tower
06:09 Blacksmith
06:13 Guard Tower
06:38 Guard Tower
06:45 Arcane Vault
07:00 Guard Tower
07:42 Scout Tower
07:43 Scout Tower
08:00 Scout Tower
08:02 Workshop
08:07 Scout Tower
08:08 Scout Tower
08:12 Scout Tower
08:15 Workshop
08:43 Guard Tower
08:44 Scout Tower
08:47 Guard Tower
10:43 Arcane Sanctum
11:23 Castle
11:42 Farm
11:44 Guard Tower
11:48 Scout Tower
17:04 Farm
17:05 Farm
17:39 Cannon Tower
17:40 Guard Tower
17:41 Scout Tower
17:43 Scout Tower
18:15 Guard Tower
21:14 Scout Tower
21:16 Scout Tower
21:17 Scout Tower
21:19 Scout Tower
21:36 Scout Tower
21:37 Scout Tower
21:39 Scout Tower
22:05 Guard Tower
22:10 Guard Tower
22:14 Town Hall
22:20 Scout Tower
22:21 Scout Tower
22:22 Scout Tower
22:23 Scout Tower
22:24 Scout Tower
22:28 Guard Tower
22:40 Scout Tower
22:42 Scout Tower
22:45 Guard Tower
22:56 Guard Tower
23:04 Guard Tower
23:06 Scout Tower
23:18 Guard Tower
23:20 Scout Tower
23:21 Scout Tower
24:14 Guard Tower
24:17 Scout Tower
24:22 Guard Tower
24:25 Town Hall
24:56 Guard Tower
25:21 Cannon Tower
27:49 Scout Tower
29:42 Guard Tower
30:05 Scout Tower
30:06 Scout Tower
30:08 Scout Tower
30:09 Scout Tower
30:11 Scout Tower
30:13 Scout Tower
30:15 Scout Tower
30:16 Scout Tower
30:17 Scout Tower
30:55 Guard Tower
31:12 Gryphon Aviary
31:30 Guard Tower
31:32 Scout Tower
31:33 Scout Tower
31:59 Guard Tower
32:03 Gryphon Aviary
32:04 Gryphon Aviary
32:05 Gryphon Aviary
32:23 Guard Tower
32:23 Guard Tower
33:48 Town Hall
34:28 Scout Tower
35:10 Guard Tower
35:31 Farm
35:33 Farm
35:34 Farm
37:41 Farm
42:00 Farm
42:01 Farm
42:02 Farm
» items
Boots of Speed2
Staff of Teleportation2
Potion of Invisibility3
Scroll of Regeneration9
Lesser Clarity Potion14
Scroll of Town Portal9
Potion of Healing10
Potion of Mana9
Scroll of Healing1
Orb of Fire1
Potion of Lesser Invulnerability1
Periapt of Vitality1
62 total
NightElfDa.2NIS (orange | 61 APM | 3254 actions | 52:59)
Hero icon 4 Keeper of the Grove
Ability icon 2 Entangling Roots
Ability icon 2 Thorns Aura
Hero icon 4 Priestess of the Moon
Ability icon 2 Searing Arrows
Ability icon 2 Trueshot Aura

» actions
Assign group hotkey85
Basic commands224
Build / train102
ESC pressed1
Enter build submenu22
Enter hero's abilities submenu8
Give item / drop item1
Right click982
Select / deselect607
Select group hotkey1132
Use ability89
3254 total
» units
Druid of the Talon11
Glaive Thrower3
Faerie Dragon5
60 total
» upgrades
Druid of the Talon Training2
Corrosive Breath1
Strength of the Wild2
Reinforced Hides1
6 total
» buildings
Altar of Elders1
Moon Well12
Hunter's Hall1
Ancient of War1
Tree of Ages7
Tree of Eternity1
Ancient of Wind1
Chimaera Roost1
Ancient of Wonders2
Tree of Life1
28 total
» build order
00:18 Altar of Elders
00:28 Moon Well
01:38 Hunter's Hall
01:52 Ancient of War
02:06 Moon Well
02:50 Tree of Ages
02:50 Tree of Ages
02:51 Tree of Ages
03:55 Moon Well
05:00 Moon Well
05:13 Tree of Eternity
05:16 Ancient of Wind
06:41 Moon Well
08:26 Chimaera Roost
09:08 Ancient of Wonders
10:14 Moon Well
21:11 Moon Well
24:48 Ancient of Wonders
25:59 Tree of Life
30:21 Moon Well
30:21 Moon Well
30:23 Moon Well
30:24 Moon Well
30:25 Moon Well
35:33 Tree of Ages
35:33 Tree of Ages
35:33 Tree of Ages
» items
Orb of Venom1
Scroll of Town Portal1
Scroll of Regeneration1
Lesser Clarity Potion1
Potion of Healing1
Orb of Fire1
7 total

Chat log

(00:06 / All) LhT)sNaKe: gl hf
(00:30 / All) KODOS_FORSAKEN: ?
(00:33 / All) sc2no.wc4yes: tow her where
(00:55 / All) KODOS_FORSAKEN: try hard rt kid enough said
(01:10 / All) KUKOMONGA: me? lol
(01:15 / All) KODOS_FORSAKEN: ye
(01:26 / All) KUKOMONGA: ask pink wher u should tower
(01:34 / All) KODOS_FORSAKEN: what idiot
(01:35 / All) sc2no.wc4yes: up ur butt... and aroudn the corner

(02:45 / All) KUKOMONGA: im done with wc ima jsut smoke dmt everyday
(03:08 / All) sc2no.wc4yes: fake scout for?

(05:50 / Allies) KODOS_FORSAKEN: nigger ass creeps
(06:49 / Allies) Da.2NIS: sry
(07:46 / Allies) sc2no.wc4yes: damn robot massers
(08:09 / Allies) sc2no.wc4yes: HELP
(08:33 / Allies) sc2no.wc4yes: SAVE ME
(08:33 / Allies) Da.2NIS: b
(08:34 / Allies) Da.2NIS: noob
(08:37 / Allies) Da.2NIS: b
(08:47 / All) sc2no.wc4yes: robot massers
(08:49 / All) sc2no.wc4yes: fagz
(09:12 / Allies) Da.2NIS: b
(09:13 / Allies) Da.2NIS: ur shut
(09:15 / Allies) Da.2NIS: pin
(09:17 / Allies) Da.2NIS: b
(09:19 / Allies) Da.2NIS: wtf
(09:31 / Allies) sc2no.wc4yes: retreat.... is not in my dictionary
(10:23 / Allies) KODOS_FORSAKEN: wood?
(10:55 / Allies) Da.2NIS: gj

(12:50 / Allies) KODOS_FORSAKEN: tower nerd

(14:28 / Allies) KODOS_FORSAKEN: ur getting ur asses whooped
(14:28 / Allies) KODOS_FORSAKEN: rofl

(15:35 / All) KODOS_FORSAKEN: ur hall purp
(16:14 / Allies) sc2no.wc4yes: havent u ever hreard of goign down with ur ship
(16:16 / Allies) sc2no.wc4yes: cowart

(17:16 / Allies) Da.2NIS: gold me
(17:16 / Allies) Da.2NIS: plz
(17:20 / Allies) KODOS_FORSAKEN: nah
(17:27 / Allies) sc2no.wc4yes: i think that ones free
(17:28 / Allies) Da.2NIS: just 300
(17:28 / Allies) Da.2NIS: dude
(17:32 / Allies) Da.2NIS: for tp
(17:48 / Allies) sc2no.wc4yes: put the bird on his workers
(18:31 / Allies) sc2no.wc4yes: get hte last one
(18:39 / Allies) Da.2NIS: b
(18:47 / Allies) sc2no.wc4yes: fuk u u nooby
(18:52 / Allies) sc2no.wc4yes: u look like a guy playing the campaign
(18:55 / Allies) sc2no.wc4yes: with ur 2 of every unit army
(18:58 / Allies) sc2no.wc4yes: noash ark nooby
(19:16 / Allies) sc2no.wc4yes: L;ETS FIGHT EHRE
(19:23 / Allies) KODOS_FORSAKEN: wait
(19:41 / Allies) sc2no.wc4yes: come noash ark
(20:08 / Allies) sc2no.wc4yes: noahs ark you fuking stink
(20:47 / Allies) sc2no.wc4yes: !votekick 2nis
(21:04 / Allies) Da.2NIS: nio in dota dudi

(23:15 / All) KODOS_FORSAKEN: leave tards
(24:01 / All) KUKOMONGA: used to be a fan kodos
(24:07 / All) sc2no.wc4yes: Stfu rodent
(24:13 / All) KUKOMONGA: in the 70s when u were in ur mom
(24:37 / All) KODOS_FORSAKEN: ot ya
(25:12 / Allies) KODOS_FORSAKEN: i want them to hit my base

(26:25 / All) KODOS_FORSAKEN: nigger
(26:55 / Allies) sc2no.wc4yes: wood pls
(27:29 / All) KODOS_FORSAKEN: lol
(28:13 / Allies) sc2no.wc4yes: how does he have 7k in his mine
(28:22 / Allies) KODOS_FORSAKEN: i kept flaming it over and over all game
(29:09 / Allies) sc2no.wc4yes: dont try to defend that noha ark base
(29:13 / Allies) sc2no.wc4yes: no gold left there anytway
(29:40 / All) KODOS_FORSAKEN: leave
(30:21 / All) LhT)sNaKe: u loss
(30:25 / All) KODOS_FORSAKEN: really?
(30:27 / All) LhT)sNaKe: ya
(30:47 / All) KODOS_FORSAKEN: thats cute
(30:54 / Allies) sc2no.wc4yes: he probably never would have put wisps in tha tif i hadnt harassed it
(31:08 / All) KODOS_FORSAKEN: i got 9 k gold yo
(31:10 / Allies) sc2no.wc4yes: u guys need to kill reds shit
(31:12 / Allies) sc2no.wc4yes: he cant rebuild
(31:21 / All) KODOS_FORSAKEN: nice one
(31:53 / Allies) KODOS_FORSAKEN: wood

(33:18 / All) KODOS_FORSAKEN: lol i lose?
(33:24 / All) Da.2NIS: U KN IOW?
(34:15 / All) KODOS_FORSAKEN: one down
(34:17 / All) sc2no.wc4yes: kindof getting by
(34:20 / All) Da.2NIS: LAWLLL
(34:21 / All) sc2no.wc4yes: highest iq on ur team
(34:25 / All) sc2no.wc4yes: now whos going for 2nd plce
(35:15 / Allies) Da.2NIS: hral
(36:06 / Allies) KODOS_FORSAKEN: sorry orange
(36:10 / Allies) KODOS_FORSAKEN: want this to be more fun
(36:27 / Allies) Da.2NIS: u blow
(36:37 / Allies) KODOS_FORSAKEN: wood me
(36:37 / Allies) Da.2NIS: losser
(36:43 / Allies) Da.2NIS: fuck u
(36:46 / Allies) KODOS_FORSAKEN: lol
(36:54 / Allies) sc2no.wc4yes: gold pls
(36:57 / Allies) KODOS_FORSAKEN: wood me an d i wot kill ur shit
(37:06 / Allies) Da.2NIS: u know
(37:14 / Allies) Da.2NIS: lol
(37:20 / Allies) KODOS_FORSAKEN: wood orange
(37:25 / Allies) Da.2NIS: eat my bat

(38:59 / All) KUKOMONGA: ur mh is sure helpin huh
(39:07 / All) KODOS_FORSAKEN: i dont have mh
(39:10 / All) KUKOMONGA: not u
(39:36 / Allies) KODOS_FORSAKEN: wood orage
(39:45 / Allies) sc2no.wc4yes: wood him hes our team captain
(39:48 / Allies) Da.2NIS: nothing
(39:54 / Allies) Da.2NIS: 0
(40:01 / Allies) KODOS_FORSAKEN: worthless turd
(40:03 / Allies) sc2no.wc4yes: lol
(40:22 / All) KODOS_FORSAKEN: what now guyssss

(41:48 / Allies) sc2no.wc4yes: their last main

(43:01 / Allies) sc2no.wc4yes: lol
(43:29 / All) KODOS_FORSAKEN: wait nerds no towers ill whoop ur ass in a sec

(44:35 / All) sc2no.wc4yes: you retards lost this game out of sheer laziness
(45:00 / All) KODOS_FORSAKEN: lol
(45:31 / All) sc2no.wc4yes: koko
(45:37 / All) sc2no.wc4yes: u r officially the biggest tryhrd rt retard

(49:38 / All) sc2no.wc4yes: too bad u dont have a dark ranger
(49:41 / All) sc2no.wc4yes: or u could start over anew
(49:51 / Allies) KODOS_FORSAKEN: gold me
(49:52 / All) sc2no.wc4yes: isntead u had to go with the robot heros
(49:54 / Allies) KODOS_FORSAKEN: nm
(50:24 / All) KUKOMONGA: too bad u wernt born with a dick your dad really wanted a son to rape
(50:39 / All) sc2no.wc4yes: now i see where u earned ur name
(50:42 / All) sc2no.wc4yes: that was crazy
(51:03 / All) sc2no.wc4yes: come fight me in the middle
(51:06 / All) sc2no.wc4yes: robot vs elf warden
(51:07 / All) KUKOMONGA: k
(51:08 / All) KUKOMONGA: brt
(51:52 / Allies) sc2no.wc4yes: what just happened
(51:57 / Allies) sc2no.wc4yes: was there a cow there or not
(52:23 / All) sc2no.wc4yes: my favorite part of this game
(52:27 / All) sc2no.wc4yes: Was when you went aroudn creeping the map
(52:30 / All) sc2no.wc4yes: instead of
(52:33 / All) sc2no.wc4yes: capping mines
(52:45 / All) sc2no.wc4yes: "only one tree of life left"
(52:50 / All) sc2no.wc4yes: "better get the ring of 4 armor"